Entertainment & Gaming Business

Entertainment & Gaming Business

It is difficult today to imagine a world in which we could not record the human image in movement. Yet this was a goal which frustrated many inventors, until in the early 1890s Thomas Edison and others succeeded in devising a practical form of serial photography using strips of celluloid, which could then be viewed and reproduced.
It is even harder to imagine just how much of an investment is put into making a short serial or a full length movie-irrespective of its final results on the box office. The cost of making movies seems to climb every year, with $100 million productions being common nowadays. Yes, on the up side the advent of digital filmmaking – with the consequent disappearance of the cost of film stock, the cheapness of multiple shots of the same take, editing on cheap general-purpose computers, etc – led to a shift away from the blockbuster studio model and this The drop in cost has resulted in a an explosion of film making domestically and abroad, such that even minor film festivals are jammed with many entrants seeking a screening.
But in spite of this, lack of good distribution revenues, piracy and on location costs, travel, equipment rentals, artists advances, other costs such as interest and most important lack of a good plot still makes movies and serials a very risky business. Films that cost more to make than they acquire in revenue (both domestic and worldwide) are considered box-office catastrophes or bombs. Studios split grosses with theater owners, so even if a movie makes as much as its production budget, it's still losing, and that's before even considering marketing costs. A film often must make almost double its budget to become profitable. Most big box-office bombs are summer blockbusters which are enormously expensive and face stiff competition.

So what’s the catch here since these are facts we all mostly know about.
Facts and stats:
Well before we introduce you to something which might go a long way in downgrading the cost and the risk part, let’s look at few killers productions vs. the Hits shall we?


Cutthroat Island ( 1995 ) Total cost: $115 million $96.5 million  $147.2 million
  $18.5 million ( revenue )    
The Alamo ( 2004 ) Total cost: $145 million $119.2 million  $146.6 million
  $25.8 million (revenue)    
The Adventures of Pluto Nash ( 2002 ) Total cost: $120 million $113 million  $145.9 million
  $ 7.1 million ( revenue )    


Green Lantern (2011) Total cost: $325 million $105 million  $108.6 million 
  $220 million ( revenue )    
Final Fantasy:
The Spirits
Within (2001)
Total cost: $167 million $81.9 million $107.5 million
  $85.1 million (revenue)    
The Fall of the
Roman Empire
Total cost: $19 million $14.25 million $106.8 million

Losses have been estimated from the revenues returned from box office sales worldwide subtracting the total costs of the movie including production, marketing, and distribution costs, although many studios do not provide official marketing costs.

Accident or planned:
So what’s the secret on producing successful movies and serials? Many think good plots are miracles which cannot be delivered at will. Also its equally a well spread secret, the bigger the budget (Hollywood benchmark starts at 200m$), greater the chances of a blockbuster.
At PRG we beg to differ on both these premises.
At PRG Trans International, we do not consider ourselves as movie people. We consider our services to be ‘assist services’. Similar to a soccer player playing on the outside and setting up the strikers to take shots at the goal. This helps us to focus on all projects rationally, using specific tools and our core competencies where PRG is well known for-Sourcing and Funding projects.
PRG’s ‘Media services’ has been involved with advertisements and Serial and movie plots for just over two years. However we have been involved with project consulting since 2005. These have included Hospitals, Hotels, Industrial projects, theme parks and many more.
PRG has developed contacts, resources and conducted studies with different production personnel across regions from India, Pakistan in Indian subcontinent, SE Asia where serials are very dominant and at the same time a very strong market for Hollywood movies.
The basic requirement for a movie/serial which PRG puts across its prospective producers, Directors and investors is as below:
The producer:
He either alone or with investors would first decide upon the project of making a movie or his next movie or serial.
The budget :
Budget which probably determines who would be doing it and with whom. From the audience's point of view, it might be worth the price of the ticket just to see what justified that expense.
The Plot, story line and the script:
Probably comes at No1. Plot is the single most important ingredient which goes a long way in reducing or increasing the risk of a serial or a movie going bust or box office hit.
From here onwards the operation part comes in where the screenplay, the Director, and the casts are added.
The close :
Finally to close the entire movie location & sets, visual effects, music would all be considered under the operational aspect of actually producing the movie/serial.
For the Distribution rights, and selling the movie upfront, Marketing is the most important aspect which not only needs to keep pace with the movie but also counter other marketing media from other production houses. Many times similar movies get released close to one another and inadvertently one loses.
Now assuming the movie is already a done deal, the part that everyone was expecting comes in-making profits. Revenues from sale of rights, DVD sales, posters, video games, merchandising and TV rights.

So what does PRG do?

PRG specializes in that niche zone which if handled by a professional service organization like PRG, would shave off millions from the original cost of producing the movie. The savings would improve the chances of the movie /serial making profits and maybe even a runaway hit.
PRG works across many tiers across regions from SE Asia, Indian subcontinent, Middle East and Australia as a project consulting & sourcing specialist company, cutting into high charges of middle men, hoteliers, food suppliers, transport on one hand while on the other hand its literary department produces plots which are creations of the highest order, original themes and suitable to more than one target audience, based on its database of hits and misses.

Let PRG help be a part of your next production. With a boutique project consulting organization at your side, unknown frontiers don’t remain black holes anymore because at PRG our motto has always been ‘keeping our clients ahead in the game’.
Close-knit, dedicated and focused
